Good MOnday Morning Cali

Shelley J.
on 9/15/08 1:24 pm - Clinton, MS
RNY on 02/05/07 with
 Hey Jean! I wish I could've shopped with you my darling! I miss you too! I have sucked at making coffee!  We need to meet up.  Unfortunately, I was laid off recently and have more time on my hands than I'd like.  :( - Anywho - let's get together.  YOU ARE LOOKING SO GREAT!!!!
I love ya! and Miss ya! 

 Shelley J.
Clinton, MS


Nancy R.
on 9/14/08 11:01 pm - BIGGS, CA

ok so that lurker comment jeje i soooo felt it like it was for me...I am GUILTY of it..But i am going to do my best to not lurk and type type.  I have been going through some pretty tought times with my husband and believe me i really hope they will work out soon cause it is driving me bananas... I have made a choice to want to get better i am now good on physical therapy and mental therapy i made that choice to kinda make that a priority for me you know....I NEED and WANT TO TAKE CARE OF NANCY.  HA that felt so good putting it out there actually made me boo hoo .  BUt anyways i hope everyone has a very happy MONDAY....


** Grant that I may be given appropriate difficulties and sufferings on this journey so that my heart might be truly awakened and my practice of universal liberation and compassion may be truly fulfilled!





on 9/15/08 2:27 am - Ellensburg, WA
Sounds like we might be going through the same thing right now! If you need to talk, I am here. We do have to stand our ground and put us FIRST though, and that isn't always easy!!!
I'll be praying for you!          bigg huggs, Becky

Surgery was RNY 5/21/07...I can be found on Facebook: anewbecboo or Becky Reddick 



on 9/14/08 11:22 pm - CA

good morning cali crew and janine.
how is everyone doing? i'm doing ok my big freezer went out this weekend what a mess,,,i have tons of meat to cook today arrrr that's gonna be horrible... but i do love to cook just not used to cooking so many different things at one time...well i hope everyone has a great day....

Janel B
on 9/14/08 11:29 pm - Oakley, CA

Woke up at 5:30 this morning, and realized I HAD NO COFFEE!!!! I mean, how can I survive? So, I put on my lovely housecoat (I'm 50 and I can wear whatever I want when I go out!!), and went to Starbucks to get my big 'ol large cup of Sumatra! All is now good with the world...

No big plans today...home health nurse.......I'm so lonely, when she comes I talk her dang head off, I'm sure she can't wait to get out the door.....Then my store manager wants to come and see me. We have a good relationship, but I'm sure she wants to discuss my return to work, especially since I can't come back for another 7 weeks now..............ugh. Though the time off will be nice, I have felt that I'd like to slow down some, financially this is not the best time. But, my sister and I will be moving in November, so my rent will go down considerably.

Anyway, I could go on and on about random things, just to kill time...I could just yap, yap, yap!!!
Shut the duck up
Have a great day!!!!!!!!!
on 9/15/08 1:25 am - Ellensburg, WA
woo hoo, you did it!!!!   love that last one!    YOU ROCK!!!!

Surgery was RNY 5/21/07...I can be found on Facebook: anewbecboo or Becky Reddick 



Janel B
on 9/15/08 1:28 am - Oakley, CA
Me Big Girl!!!!!

Rosie the Riveter
on 9/15/08 1:58 am - Ellensburg, WA
   Me thinks you just had PS, so you are a skinny girl!! hee hee

Surgery was RNY 5/21/07...I can be found on Facebook: anewbecboo or Becky Reddick 



on 9/14/08 11:34 pm - Long Beach, CA
Happy Monday Janine and cali

Janine, you are so awesome with the Shout outs Your mosaic is looking great.  You have so much talent.  

I just wanted to tell everyone to have a great week.  I am so sore this morning.  I spent the entire day yesterday cleaning.  I went through my closet and cleared out all of clothes that are too big.  (almost all of my clothes are now gone)  I have a bunch of stuff I will bring to LB coffee.  Mostly sizes 18 and 20's.

Welcome to  all the new losers. this is such a nice "club" to be in.  

Today I go see my Dr about my plantar's fasciitis in my feet.  Hopefully he will be able to help me.  It's been almost a year since it started and there are some days it makes me really depressed.  My body wants and actually craves the excercise, but I can't walk or stand for more than a few minutes at a time because of it.  It's terribly painful.  Yesterday I found a weird lump on the side of my achilles tendon. So I am not sure what the heck is going on.

Anyways, now I am back to complaining.
on 9/14/08 11:57 pm - Hesperia, CA

Goodmorning Janine & Cali Guys and Gals!

Janine the mural is to die for!  When are you coming to my house and doing one?  I just thought of an idea, why don't you do a "support group"  art class.  We could all come to your house and make crafts?  Mabe a trivet or something under like $20 or $25.00.  It sounds like fun to me.  I love taking those art classess.  I used to do that when we lived in O.C. but up here in the desert I can't find anything close to that.  Just a thought!  Well lets see today I have 3 therapists coming to see my kids, I have to teach all day, do 7 loads of laundry, cook 3 meals, go to the dentist for a cleaning, sign up for Curves, clean a 2 inch layer of dust off my furniture (from our tile job) and that is all that I can think of right now.  I am exausted just writing that down!  Janine tell me your secret of remembering everyone!  I can't even remember my to-do list!  lol.  Everyone have a super duper day.  Thanks for listening.


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